
Collaboration Over Competition

Physical therapy school can be an intense and challenging environment, with students striving to be the best. Because of this, its easy to get caught up in a competitive mindset, which may actually hurt you rather than help you. It’s important to remember that collaboration can be just as (if not more) valuable as competition. In fact, collaboration can help students learn more effectively, develop better communication skills, and ultimately become better students and eventually PTs.

Establishing Trust Within Your Class

It is so important to build trust within your class. You will most likely be around these people more in the next 3 years, than anyone else in your life. The sooner you realize that you are more successful together than apart, the sooner you will be able to start excelling in your coursework.

By sharing knowledge and ideas with each other, you are creating a more well-rounded understanding of the material, which will inevitably make you and your class more well rounded clinicians. It is so important to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and support each other through difficult concepts.

Collaboration can also help to alleviate stress and anxiety, as students are no longer solely responsible for their own success. When we work together, we can share the workload and support each other through difficult times. This can lead to a more positive and fulfilling academic experience, and ultimately, build better clinicians.

Collaborating in the Clinic

Collaboration is a HUGE part of physical therapy as a profession. Not only are you collaborating with other PTs, but also physicians, surgeons, nursing staff, OTs, social workers, and so many other professions.

It is not only important during PT school, but also in the clinical setting. Patients benefit when physical therapists collaborate with each other, sharing knowledge and expertise to provide the best possible care. Patients also benefit when PTs properly communicate with the rest of the patients care team. Collaboration can also help to prevent burnout and improve job satisfaction. This is because we, as PTs, feel supported and valued by our colleagues.

Furthermore, collaboration can help to promote innovation and progress in the field of physical therapy. When we work together, we can share new ideas and approaches, and work towards developing new techniques and treatments. This can lead to better outcomes, and ultimately, a more effective and efficient healthcare system.

Recognizing the Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration also teaches important communication skills and helps to build a supportive learning community. This community can foster a positive and inclusive learning environment, where everyone feels valued and supported. Ultimately, this can lead to improved academic performance and better outcomes for patients.

This mindset is exactly what the healthcare system needs right now: People who are passionate about helping others and are able to appreciate the positive impact that successful collaboration can have on patient care. It is so important to recognize that patient care has many moving pieces, and we need to understand how we as PTs play into that.

By working together, students can learn more effectively, develop better communication skills, and ultimately become better physical therapists. While competition may be a natural part of most undergraduate environments, it’s important to remember that collaboration can be so much more valuable as a graduate student.



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