
“I Got Into PT School! Now What Do I Do?”

Well first off, congratulations! Getting into PT School is no small feat. We are so proud, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! Now that some of the excitement as settled, you may be wondering,”I got in, now what do I do?” 

The acceptance letter should contain instructions on how to secure your spot in the program. Make sure to look at the dates of when the last day you can turn in your letter of intent. Depending on the school, some may give you a very close deadline, while others may give you a longer time to think about it. Keep in mind as well, schools tend to require a monetary deposit when securing your spot. This is usually non-refundable, but normally used to pay towards your tuition. 

Relaxing and mentally preparing before school starts

If you need more time to think about where you’d like to go, and a deadline is coming up, try reaching out to schools and seeing if you can get an extension. You can email/call the school and say something along the lines of: 

“Good morning ____, In regards to the deposit, I wanted to reach out and see if it was possible if I could have an extension on the deadline. For various reasons, I have other schools in mind that I won’t hear back until January. Hope to hear from you soon” – your name. 

So now that you’ve secured your seat. What should you do? For those still in school, don’t let your grades slip. Continue working hard, ease upon the reins a little, but focus on finishing your classes. For those non traditional students, relax. Enjoy your time. Unless any of you are in an accelerated program, you do not need to review anything before school starts. Really enjoy this time. Rest up. Do all the things you love. Once school starts, you’ll find that it’s a different pace than what you’re used to. You’ll be doing a lot of studying. So enjoy this time before school starts. 

Congratulations again! You’ve made it. Be proud of yourself. You’re gonna be a PT!



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